Losing a loved one unexpectedly is never easy, but if your loved one’s death was the result of another party’s actions, it is natural to have lots of pressing legal questions in this situation. If you are mourning a loved one who recently died because of an act of negligence or illegal misconduct, a Wildwood wrongful death lawyer can help you make sense of your situation and pursue accountability and compensation for your family’s loss.
A wrongful death case is a specific type of personal injury case that applies when a victim does not survive their injury caused by another’s negligence. If your loved one died due to the actions or inaction of another person, you likely have grounds to file a wrongful death case. The Cagle Law Firm has years of experience handling these cases and can provide the guidance you need for your wrongful death case.
Success with a wrongful death case may require meeting the procedural rules set forth by state law, including filing your case on time and gathering the evidence needed to not only prove fault for the death but also prove the full scope of the damages you and your family have suffered because of the defendant’s actions. While all wrongful death cases follow similar procedural rules, every case is unique and requires professional legal attention.
Your Wildwood wrongful death lawyer can be an invaluable asset when it comes to building the foundation of your case. You will need to accurately identify the party or parties you believe to be responsible for your loved one’s death and then prove exactly how they caused the death. This could be through an act of negligence or illegal misconduct.
Proving fault for the death is just the first challenge you may face in a wrongful death case. You also need to prove the full scope of the damages the defendant owes to you and your family. It’s possible to recover many forms of compensation with a wrongful death case, but the exact value of your claim will vary based on multiple factors.
It’s also important to work with a Wildwood personal injury attorney to determine how much you could actually secure in compensation from a defendant. However, it’s incredibly difficult to put a monetary value on a loved one’s death.
This can be a very emotionally challenging experience for you and your family, so it is important that you connect with the right attorney to have the greatest chance of success with your case.
The Cagle Law Firm has successfully represented many wrongful death cases for clients in Wildwood and surrounding communities. In every case we accept, we take time to learn as much as possible about our clients’ situation and help them uncover every form of compensation they are legally able to claim from the party responsible for their injury.
We understand how incredibly difficult these cases can be for grieving family members. Whatever your case requires, you can rely on our team for guidance and support through all phases of the case.
A: Only certain parties are eligible to sue for wrongful death in Wildwood and elsewhere in Missouri, according to the state’s wrongful death statute. First in line with the right to file a wrongful death case would be the closest living family members of the deceased, such as their surviving spouse, children, or parents. Next in line would be other surviving relatives, such as siblings or next of kin. It is also possible for the court to appoint a representative to act as a plaintiff.
A: Compensation from a successful wrongful death case goes to the plaintiffs filing the case. The plaintiffs typically include the closest beneficiaries of the deceased. If more than one plaintiff joins together in a class to act as a plaintiff, their attorneys can advise them as to how the compensation from a successful case should be divided.
A: The total value of a wrongful death case in Wildwood can vary based on multiple factors, and it’s hard to place a monetary value on a loved one’s death. It’s possible for a plaintiff to seek compensation for any economic losses incurred by the estate of the deceased between the time of the incident that caused their death and the death itself. The family can also seek compensation for funeral and burial expenses, as well as the pain and suffering they experienced because of the death.
A: The amount of time it could take to resolve a wrongful death case depends on multiple factors, such as whether the defendant accepts liability for the death, the scope of the damages sought by the plaintiff, and whether the parties involved in the case reach a mutually agreeable resolution through private settlement negotiations.
It’s important not to accept an unfair settlement offer to reduce the time it takes to receive compensation. At The Cagle Law Firm, our attorneys are skilled litigators who work up every case for trial.
A: You should hire a wrongful death lawyer to ensure the greatest chance of success with this type of case. Even if the fault seems perfectly clear, do not assume that you can successfully handle this type of personal injury case on your own. Your attorney can streamline your proceedings, significantly improve your chances of success with your claim, and maximize the compensation your family receives if you succeed.
The Cagle Law Firm understands how difficult it is to lose a family member unexpectedly and the frustration from the realization that another party’s negligence or misconduct took their life. If you have lost a loved one, our team can help you prepare a wrongful death case. Contact us today to schedule your free consultation with a trusted Wildwood wrongful death lawyer. We can explain the legal services we can provide in this difficult situation.
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