Uber and Lyft are well-known rideshare companies that have increased in popularity. This has led to an increase in their involvement in car accidents. Injured individuals can pursue compensation from the at-fault driver’s insurance. This is more complex when a rideshare company is involved. A Webster Groves Uber and Lyft accident lawyer is incredibly helpful when navigating this process.
Finding the right attorney is essential whether you were a rideshare passenger or were another driver hit by a rideshare driver. The Cagle Law Firm has helped advise injured individuals in personal injury cases for decades, in many complex types of car accident cases. Our firm has substantial experience in rideshare cases and can help you pursue the compensation you are owed.
Insurance carriers that work for commercial entities like Uber and Lyft have a lot of resources and focus on their goal of limiting their liability in accidents like yours. They do not care about you or the injuries you suffered. These insurance companies can try to get you to accept low compensation and prevent you from recovering the true compensation you deserve. A skilled attorney can protect your rights and can discuss with insurance carriers for you.
Rideshare insurance coverage only applies when a rideshare driver is working and depends on whether the driver is waiting for a passenger or has a passenger. Your injuries may be covered by a rideshare company’s insurance carrier if:
As the passenger in a rideshare, you can make a claim against the rideshare company’s commercial insurance regardless of whether or not the rideshare driver was at fault. If another driver caused the accident, you can make a claim against the insurance of both the rideshare company and the at-fault party.
If the rideshare driver was at fault for the accident, other injured drivers and injured rideshare passengers can pursue compensation from the rideshare commercial coverage.
This commercial coverage is typically much more significant than other driver’s insurance coverage, which can benefit individuals with more severe injuries. However, the insurance carriers do not want to provide fair coverage and work to limit the success of any claims against them.
To determine who is at fault in a rideshare accident in Webster Groves, you must first determine the cause. Rideshare collisions happen for many of the same reasons as other car collisions, including:
These causes of accidents can point to which party was at fault. In addition to these negligent actions by a driver or other party, negligence must have led to the collision. An attorney can help you investigate the cause and the at-fault driver in your Uber or Lyft accident.
The amount you can get in compensation from an Uber accident can vary. The primary factor that influences the compensation is the severity of your injuries and their costs. Other factors include:
If your Lyft driver gets in an accident, it is important to take some of the same initial steps that you would in any accident. This includes calling emergency responders to report the collision and any injuries you are aware of. If it is okay to do so, you want to move to a safe location and assist others involved in the accident. Exchange personal contact information and insurance information with your Lyft driver and the other drivers and passengers.
How long it takes for an Uber accident case depends on the complexity of your case, how long your injuries take to heal, and whether you have legal representation. A skilled attorney can help by investigating the accident, gathering available evidence, and proving fault. If there is available evidence proving who was at fault for the accident, the case is likely to be addressed sooner because the at-fault driver and their insurer are likely to be open to negotiation.
After a rideshare car accident in Missouri, you have five years from the date of the accident to sue. It’s crucial to work with an attorney as soon as possible following an accident, as evidence-gathering and negotiations are important. If you do not pursue a civil case within the five-year statute of limitations, then you can be forever barred from recovering compensation, no matter what your case’s merits are.
Legal guidance when pursuing compensation is beneficial after a car collision where you are injured, and it is especially needed when it is a rideshare accident. At The Cagle Law Firm, we have navigated these complex cases and know how to represent you against commercial insurance carriers. Contact our firm today to see how we can help.
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