Webster Groves Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

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Webster Groves Motorcycle Accident Attorney

Collisions between motorcycles and larger motor vehicles usually affect riders a lot more, often resulting in catastrophic or fatal injuries. When the other driver is to blame for the accident, motorcyclists can recover the costs of their injuries against the driver’s insurer. Dealing with an insurance adjuster while you are trying to physically recover is a frustrating process.  Working with a Webster Groves motorcycle accident lawyer can simplify the process and allow you the time and space you need to focus on your physical recovery. It also makes your personal injury case more likely to succeed and recover your financial losses.

Motorcycles are smaller and harder to see than other vehicles, putting them at higher risk on the road. Additionally, some drivers fail to take appropriate care when driving near riders. When this negligence causes an accident, their insurance must be held accountable.

best motorcycle accident lawyer webster groves

The Cagle Law Firm: Helping You After a Motorcycle Crash

At The Cagle Law Firm, we want to help you financially recover if you were injured or someone you love was killed in a motorcycle accident. Compensation cannot fix the pain and trauma of the accident, but it can assist in your financial recovery. Our team can help you hold an insurance carrier liable for the injuries caused by a driver, including the cost of medical bills and the loss of income.

Our firm works to investigate the motorcycle accident, its cause, and the at-fault party.  In rare cases, the cause of the crash may be a third party, such as a manufacturer. We determine what insurance carrier can be held liable and gather evidence to support your case and recover compensation. Our goal is to recover the maximum compensation that is possible.

Determining Fault in a Motorcycle Accident

Every motorcycle accident is unique, and so, any one or multiple individuals or entities could be at fault. Your attorney will do a complete investigation of the accident to determine potential causes of the collision and potential insurance coverage.  An injured plaintiff must prove a party is at fault for the crash and resulting injuries before recovery of compensation.

Most often, a driver or rider is liable due to an act of negligence. They may have been driving distractedly, speeding, or committing a moving violation. When a driver or rider’s act of carelessness leads to an accident, their insurer can be held liable for injuries. Both parties can also be partially at fault, and if the case goes to trial, the court will assign each party their percentage of fault. Each party is then financially responsible for their portion of the fault.

What Are Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents?

The cause of a motorcycle accident can help point to which party is liable. Some of the most common causes of motorcycle accidents in Webster Groves are:

  • Distraction. Drivers and riders can operate their vehicles distracted, causing an accident. Distracted driving is a common cause of drivers colliding with riders because motorcycles are easier to miss on the road if a driver is not paying attention.
  • Driving under the influence. Operating under the influence of drugs or alcohol increases the chances of an accident happening. The offending party can also face criminal penalties.
  • Fatigue. Both drivers and riders can operate while fatigued, increasing the chances of an accident. Falling asleep makes a head-on collision, which is often fatal, more likely.
  • Moving violations. Either party may fail to yield the right-of-way, change lanes into another vehicle, or make other errors that cause an accident.
  • Speeding. When drivers or riders speed, they limit their time to react to road conditions and increase the damage in an accident.
  • Mechanical failures. Accidents can also be caused by vehicle failures or malfunctions. These issues may be the fault of a manufacturer or mechanic, or they may be the owner’s fault for failing to get needed repairs.

FAQs About Webster Groves, MO Motorcycle Accident Laws

How Much Are Most Motorcycle Accident Settlements?

Motorcycle accident settlements vary significantly, depending on the injuries of an individual and other factors, so knowing the value of other settlements cannot help you understand your own. The value of your settlement depends on:

  • How severe your injuries are and how much they may affect your life.
  • Whether you are able to return to work.
  • The skill and abilities of your legal representation.
  • How much evidence supports your case.
  • Whether the case goes to trial or not.
  • Whether you shared any fault for the collision.

Can You Split Traffic on a Motorcycle in Missouri?

There is no law expressly prohibiting or allowing lane splitting in Missouri. Because of this, choosing to lane split comes with risks: An officer may decide it is an unsafe, illegal, or reckless operation, resulting in a ticket. Lane splitting is much like making a U-turn in that they are only legal when it is safe to do so. If you are involved in a crash while splitting lanes or engaging in a U-turn, the crash is evidence that it was not safe to do so.

Additionally, if a motorcyclist is involved in an accident while lane splitting, the insurance of the at-fault driver may try to claim that the motorcyclist is fully or partially liable for the crash because they were lane splitting. This can affect the motorcyclist’s ability to recover compensation.

What Should You Not Do After a Motorcycle Accident?

Call 911 immediately to the scene of the collision. Reporting the accident immediately helps obtain emergency medical care for all injured individuals and ensures that there is a police report of the incident.

If you wait to report the crash to police, it creates enormous problems for you if you are attempting to make a property or injury claim.  Law enforcement at the scene is third-party corroboration that simply cannot be created later. When law enforcement responds, valuable evidence can be secured. Immediately reporting the accident is important for your physical well-being and for your case.

What Should You Do if There Is a Motorcycle Accident?

If there is a motorcycle accident, you should:

  1. Move to a safe location unless you are seriously injured.
  2. Call 911 and report the accident to emergency services. Provide information to on-site law enforcement for the incident report
  3. Document the scene, taking photos of the damage to vehicles, your injuries, and other relevant information
  4. Exchange contact and insurance information with the driver(s).
  5. Seek medical care
  6. Find an experienced motorcycle accident attorney.

Getting the Financial Recovery You Deserve After a Motorcycle Accident

A motorcycle collision can change the rest of your life when you are an injured motorcyclist. When you are not to blame for the crash, you shouldn’t be responsible for the medical, long-term care, and other costs of these serious and disabling injuries. The Cagle Law Firm can protect your rights and financial interests. Contact our firm today and learn how we can help you.


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