St. Louis Jackknife Truck Accident Lawyer

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St. Louis Jackknife Truck Accident Attorney

Out of all the motor vehicle accidents that occur, truck accidents are some of the most serious and life-threatening. Due to the enormous size of commercial vehicles, they’re likely to cause far more damage in an accident than other smaller passenger vehicles. There are many ways a truck accident can occur, one of them being a jackknife accident. These accidents tend to be extremely dangerous for all vehicles involved, causing serious injuries and fatalities.

Recovering from a serious accident like a jackknife truck accident involving other vehicles is a huge challenge, and many people will never be able to return to the same life they had before. After such a serious incident, victims need the help of a jackknife truck accident lawyer in St. Louis, MO. At The Cagle Law Firm, we can help victims and their loved ones receive financial compensation to recover from these accidents.

Causes of Jackknife Accidents

A jackknife accident occurs when the trailer of a truck swings forward, causing the truck to form a V shape with the cab and trailer. The trailer of the truck then pushes the rest of the vehicle. When a truck jackknifes, they lose control over their vehicle and can potentially strike multiple vehicles in the process, which can lead to many getting injured. A jackknife accident also has the potential to turn into a rollover accident.

Unfortunately, jackknife accidents can occur quickly and are sometimes preventable depending on the cause. Some road conditions and actions from the driver can make jackknife accidents more likely. Knowing that any collision is preventable makes it all the more heartbreaking. If you or a loved one has suffered from a jackknife accident caused by a driver’s negligence, a personal injury lawyer who works with these cases may be able to help.

Here are some common causes of jackknife accidents.

Brake Problems

Breaks are often a problem that leads to jackknife accidents. If a driver stops suddenly, the truck may jackknife, but this can also happen if the brakes are poorly maintained. Truck drivers and trucking companies need to ensure that their brakes are all well-maintained and safe to prevent accidents like this and failure to stop accidents.

Inclement Weather

Snow, ice, and rain can all make a road slick, making it easy for a truck’s trailer to jackknife. We all have to drive carefully in inclement weather to keep ourselves and others safe. Truck drivers especially need to slow down and take extra precautions in bad weather to avoid things like jackknife accidents. Jackknife crashes are a nightmare for truck drivers, and their extensive training focuses on avoiding these types of crashes. Drivers want to avoid these crashes as they can easily lead to the serious injury or death of the truck driver in addition to other motor vehicle occupants.


Speeding is the cause of many accidents and is extremely dangerous for anyone, especially large trucks. As trucks pick up speed, they risk the back trailer swinging forward. If a truck driver suddenly needs to slow down when they’re speeding, the truck might jackknife if the trailer can’t stop.

Untrained Driver

Driving a commercial truck isn’t an easy job and requires a skilled, professionally trained operator. An improperly trained driver poses a threat to everyone on the road and can increase the chances of a jackknife accident. These drivers don’t fully understand the precautions they need to take while driving a vehicle like this and may unknowingly do something that leads to a serious accident.

Experienced Jackknife Truck Accident Lawyer in St. Louis, MO

Truck accidents change people’s lives in seconds. In addition to the physical and emotional pain these accidents cause, victims and their loved ones also need to deal with the financial costs brought on by truck accidents. Victims of truck accidents often aren’t given the amount of compensation they deserve without legal representation, despite the severe injuries they may have suffered.

Holding an insurance company accountable on your own without legal help is beyond difficult, if not almost impossible. At The Cagle Law Firm, we work hard to give our clients who have been involved in jackknife accidents or any type of truck accident the support and assistance they need to receive compensation.

Call us toll-free at (1-800) 685-3302 or locally at (314) 276-1681 to discuss your situation with a jackknife truck accident lawyer in St. Louis, MO.

Contact Us Today

The Cagle Law Firm serves accident and injury clients throughout St. Louis and the greater St. Louis metro area, including St. Louis Counties of Chesterfield, Wildwood, Eureka, Ladue, Olivette, Clayton, Kirkwood, Fenton, Affton, and Jefferson Counties of Arnold, High Ridge, Antonia, House Springs, and the eastern Missouri and southern Illinois communities. If you or your family needs legal assistance with your personal injury case, call The Cagle Law Firm at (314) 276-1681 or use our online contact form to request a free case review or get more information.


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