St. Louis Product Liability Lawyer

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St. Louis Product Liability Attorney

If a defective product has injured you, you might not know what to do next. The first and perhaps most important piece of advice regarding product liability issues: SAVE THE PRODUCT. The actual item that harmed you or a loved one is a critical piece of evidence and will be paramount to your success. In addition to saving the product, it’s also extremely important that you contact a defective product lawyer. At The Cagle Law Firm, we have experience handling all types of defective product claims in Illinois and Missouri.

Hiring a defective product lawyer in St. Louis, MO, is your best chance of receiving compensation for the damages the product has caused.

st louis defective product lawyer

Why You Need a St. Louis Defective Products Attorney

Defective product claims are complex and sometimes challenging to prove. If you have been injured by a product that failed or malfunctioned, you will need an attorney because you will be working against a major manufacturer or retailer. If you attempt this as an individual, you are unlikely to succeed and obtain a fair outcome. Without the right legal team behind your case, it will be hard to establish that the product was defective, that you used the product correctly, or as would be reasonably expected, and you were injured because of the defective product. You alone will have to prove what a team of experienced defense attorneys with hired experts defend. As the plaintiff, you have the burden of proof, thus you need an experienced attorney and possibly experts to bring to the case.

By hiring an experienced defective product lawyer, you have someone to even the playing field. A defective product lawyer knows what it takes to win these cases and has the experience you need. An experienced attorney works to find experts in the fields to support your claim. When you work with The Cagle Law Firm, you have an aggressive legal team increasing your chance of a fair resolution.

We will guide you through the entire legal process, including:

  • Conducting an independent investigation of your case
  • Determine the type of defect that caused your injury
  • Gather evidence of the defect and liability
  • Demand compensation from the liable party or their insurer
  • File a lawsuit in state or federal court
  • Adhere to all court deadlines and statutes of limitations
  • Pursue and review additional evidence through discovery
  • Acquire any necessary expert witnesses
  • Fight for your rights in court

Types of Defects

Products may be dangerous in various ways, such as:

Design Defect

Design defects occur when the business that designs a new product does not make it as safe as possible and still has the product function as intended. To obtain compensation based on allegations of a design defect, you must prove that the product was inherently unsafe and that the manufacturer could have made it safe.

Manufacturing Defect

A product has a manufacturing defect when it is not created, formed, or assembled in adherence to its design. A flaw that arises during the manufacturing process, which may be in one, a few, or many of the products, makes the affected products unsafe.

Lack of Warning/Marketing Defect

A product has a warning defect if it does not come with appropriate instructions or warnings regarding how to use the product safely and what actions to avoid.

Theories of Liability for Defective Product Claims in St. Louis, MO

In addition to the various kinds of defects, defective product claims are further complicated because there are different theories of liability as to why a manufacturer, product seller, retailer, or other business is responsible for your injuries.

Our St. Louis defective products attorneys have experience handling all types of defective product claims, including those based on:


Under a theory of negligence, you must prove that the at-fault party owed you a certain duty of care, failed to uphold that duty of care, and that this breach caused the incident that resulted in your injuries.

Strict Liability

In a strict liability claim, you do not have to prove that the other party did anything wrong. Instead, your attorney will demonstrate that there is a legal basis for the party to be responsible for the product and any injuries it causes without regard to fault.

Breach of Warranty

Companies involved with the creation and selling of products make implicit and explicit warranties all the time. These are promises regarding the product, including that it is effective and safe. You may be able to prove in court that because the product was defective and dangerous, the other party breached one or more warranties.

Common Defective Products

You are surrounded by products every day, and any one of them could be defective if designed, created, assembled, or packaged improperly. However, certain defective product claims are more common than others and are more likely to cause harm when something is wrong with the product. Again, save the product if you believe it to be defective.

Common defective products include:

  • Drug Injuries from prescription and over-the-counter medications
  • Medical devices, including breathing masks and respirators
  • Food
  • Personal vehicles/auto parts
  • Recreational vehicles (RVs)
  • Boats/personal watercraft
  • All-terrain vehicles (ATVs)
  • Children’s products, toys, clothing
  • Power tools
  • Household appliances
  • Fire, smoke, and carbon monoxide detectors
  • Household products/cleaning products
  • Electronics
  • Lawn and yard equipment
  • Constructive materials
  • Ladders

Dangerous Product Injuries

A defective product can lead to all manner of accidents and injuries. At The Cagle Law Firm, we have experience handling defective product claims resulting in:

Defective Products Compensation

Compensation is necessary to help you recover and get back some of the damages from a defective product tool away. Some damages you may be compensated for include:

  • Medical costs
  • Lost wages
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • Physical limitations
  • Disfigurement
  • Loss of future earning capacity
  • Loss of consortium and companionship
  • Property damage
  • Punitive damages (when applicable)

We will strive for your physical, psychological, and financial injuries to be fully compensated. If you have suffered due to a business’s egregious conduct, we may also choose to fight for punitive damages. A judge or jury will grant punitive damages to punish the wrongdoer but also to compensate you. Punitive damages are typically only awarded in extreme cases.

Fatal Defective Product Accidents

A dangerous product can sometimes cause significant injuries that result in death immediately or in the days, weeks, or months following the accident. If you lost a loved one because of a dangerous product, do not hesitate to contact our defective products attorneys in St. Louis. We are here to review your situation and advise you of your rights as well as the best next steps.

We can guide you through a wrongful death claim in Illinois or Missouri and fight for you to receive compensation, including:

  • Funeral and burial expenses
  • Medical Expenses
  • Loss of financial contributions
  • Loss of care and support
  • Loss of love and companionship
  • Loss of inheritance

Let a St. Louis Defective Products Lawyer Help You

Most people don’t think that the products they use every day can injure them, but it happens. If you were injured or lost a loved one because of a defective product, you need to speak with an experienced attorney about what to do next. At The Cagle Law Firm, we’ll work with you through this process to ensure that you have the help you need to receive compensation for the injuries a defective product causes.

Contact The Cagle Law Firm toll-free at (1-800) 685-3302 or locally at (314) 276-1681 for a free consultation with a personal injury lawyer.


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