Springfield IL Drunk Driving Accident Lawyer

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Springfield, IL Drunk Driving Accident Attorney

With more than 30,000 traffic accidents recorded by the NHTSA annually, driving is dangerous enough without the addition of alcohol. Yet, despite being illegal, drunk driving claims an average of 10,000 lives every year. Even those who are lucky enough to survive such collisions are often left seriously injured, and sometimes even permanently disabled.

For the personal injury lawyers at The Cagle Law Firm, that’s unacceptable. If you’ve been hurt by an inebriated motorist, you deserve compensation for your pain, medical expenses, lost work, and more. Don’t suffer in silence.

Looking for a drunk driving accident attorney in Springfield, IL? Call The Cagle Law Firm and let us put our knowledge, experiences, and resources to work for you. We’ve seen how gravely a drunk driver can hurt innocent pedestrians and motorists, and we won’t rest until compensation is awarded.

best drunk driving accident attorney in springfield illinois

Common Drunk Driving Accident Injuries


One of the most common injuries suffered by victims of drunk drivers, whiplash is often caused by rear-end accidents suddenly and violently forcing a motorist’s vehicle forward, causing the victim’s head to snap back and forth. Whiplash is a general term for any neck injury that does not involve a spinal neck fracture. And while many who suffer from whiplash stop feeling soreness in their necks after a few weeks, complications can occur, resulting in chronic pain, blurry vision, difficulty concentrating, memory problems, and more.

Clearly, there are many degrees of injury in a “whiplash” diagnosis ranging from a few days of stiffness to possible disc injury requiring surgery.

Brain & Spine Injury

Of all the body parts a person would want to avoid injury, the brain and spine are at the very top of the list. Either one could very easily end in permanent disability. Someone suffering from a traumatic brain injury, such as if their head strikes the steering wheel or dashboard, may be left with lifelong issues with cognition and motor function, and may even be left in a coma. Spinal injuries, meanwhile, range from simple strain and fractures to partial or complete paralysis.

Broken Bones

The adult human body contains 206 bones, and every last one of them is endangered when you unknowingly share the road with a drunk driver. The sudden impact of a person’s body being thrown around the interior of their car or, worse, being struck head-on by another vehicle, often results in fractures. In the best cases, broken bones heal on their own over time. In some cases, though, surgery is required. The most serious fractures sometimes result in blood loss, organ injury, and nerve damage.


Not everyone who runs afoul of an impaired driver survives the experience. A driver or passenger not wearing a seatbelt may find themselves thrown from their vehicle, with the sudden impact leading to their abrupt end. Pedestrians, meanwhile, are especially vulnerable due to not having any protection against an out-of-control automobile. In such cases, family members may be able to file a wrongful death claim to seek justice.

Find a Springfield, IL Drunk Driving Accident Attorney Now

Whatever the extent of the injuries suffered by you or a loved one due to the negligent behavior of an impaired motorist, a Cagle Law Firm drunk driving accident lawyer in Springfield, IL, can help. In addition to physical pain and emotional distress, a traumatic road collision can leave you burdened by hospital bills, vehicle repairs, lost income, and more.

You shouldn’t have to shoulder all that alone. Our personal injury attorneys will stand by your side throughout the entire legal process, from the initial filing all the way to your day in court. Don’t let life-threatening carelessness go unanswered, and don’t let your own struggles go unseen.

Contact The Cagle Law Firm today for a free consultation.


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