Peoria Personal Injury Lawyer

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Peoria Personal Injury Attorney

When speaking of personal injury law, lawyers often mention the phrase “if you have a case.” To laypeople who are not familiar with personal injuries, that wording may be confusing. After all, if you have indeed been hurt through the negligence of another party, and you clearly have injuries to show it, how could you not have a case?

We think it will help here to explain the various types of personal injuries that we frequently see at The Cagle Law Firm. With each circumstance, you will ideally understand the kind of evidence your personal injury lawyer in Peoria, IL, would need to construct a solid case. There are many factors as each case is unique in the facts, injuries, and insurance coverage. Sometimes, even though an individual has been injured, insufficient evidence or lack of insurance coverage can impact your claim or lawsuit going forward.

Here, we will explain three major types of personal injuries and the evidence we would need to build you the best damages case we possibly can.

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3 Common Types of Personal Injuries

Personal injuries can take many forms, but they can still be broken down into categories. Here are three of those.

Car Accidents

With about six million car accidents occurring every year in the United States, it should not be a surprise that a significant number of our personal injury cases derive from car crashes in both Missouri and Illinois. If everyone obeyed the driving laws at all times, the majority of car crashes would not exist. Rarely is there such a thing as a freak accident  The vast majority of car crashes are caused by negligent driving behaviors on the roadway.

If you have been in a car crash that wasn’t your fault and were injured as a result, talk to one of the attorneys at The Cagle Law Firm. We will look at the evidence to determine exactly what happened, who was at fault, and whether the crash–and, by extension, the other driver’s negligence–directly caused your injuries. These are the types of situations in which we can seek economic and non-economic damages for you in a lawsuit.

As a quick run-down, economic damages could repay you for quantifiable expenses you incurred due to the accident, such as medical bills or lost wages. Non-economic damages cover areas such as pain and suffering or disfigurement.

Acquiring evidence for your car accident personal injury lawsuit involves reaching out to insurance companies, collecting evidence such as photos, and examining police reports of the incident. These components are vital to the success of your claim or lawsuit.

Dog Bites

A dog bite injury is a type of personal injury that may not often come to your mind. Dogs that have been raised in happy, friendly homes can become some of the most loyal friends we ever have. However, there is really no telling what someone’s dog might do in a given situation. Perhaps you are strolling down the sidewalk one day and suddenly get severely bitten and wounded by a neighbor’s dog.

Dog bite injuries vary in severity from scratches to death depending on the victim, the size of the animal, and the facts of the incident. You could suffer from skin lacerations alongside nerve and tissue damage that require thousands of dollars in medical care to correct. On top of that, you may be unable to work as you once did while you recover.

If you are injured, you should call one of The Cagle Law Firm’s Peoria personal injury lawyers. We will get on the case, first by discovering where liability for the injury rests, be it the dog’s owner or another party. The evidence is important here; perhaps the dog was being watched by someone else at the time of the attack. We need to prove in court that whoever was responsible for keeping the dog in check failed to do so. Then, we will look at what you have suffered in both economic and non-economic damages and file a claim demanding that you be compensated for what you have undergone.

Defective Products

You might hear about defective product personal injury cases less frequently than some other types, but injuries due to products not working as they should happen, and can cause bodily harm like any other type of injury.

Critically important: if you think you were injured due to a defective or failed product—–SAVE the defective product! If a coffee maker explodes and burns you, do not throw the coffee maker away. If the product is destroyed, it can be almost impossible to prove the product failed.

If you are alleging that a product failed and you were subsequently injured, then it will be important that you followed the usage rules for that product and saved the faulty product. As well, where the defective product was used (home, work, or recreation) may determine who is held responsible for the defective product. It can be hard to know exactly who to hold accountable when you are dealing with large manufacturers and retail stores.

Lawsuits for injuries caused by defective products will typically be based on one or several of three criteria: a defective manufacturer, defective design, or absence of proper safety warnings with the product. Based on the incident and injuries, we work hard to prove that one or several of these are the case, and if so, we will begin building a case.

If any of these criteria are present in your injury case, then the harm you sustained may not have been your fault. Work with your personal injury attorneys in Peoria, IL, to collect the facts of the situation and build your lawsuit together.

Hire a Peoria Personal Injury Attorney

Whether your injury is due to a car crash, dog bite, or defective product, The Cagle Law Firm is here to evaluate your claim and begin building the best case to represent the facts of the incident and your damages. A Peoria personal injury attorney will be ready to evaluate and pursue a damages claim for you. Monetary compensation for the injured party is the only way to repay you for the damages you have suffered. In civil cases, compensation is the route to the justice you deserve. No one can take back what happened, but we can help you recover a semblance of normalcy.

Contact The Cagle Law Firm today for a free consultation. Let us start fighting for you.


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