Mehlville Bicycle Accident Lawyer

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Mehlville Bicycle Accident Attorney

While most bicyclists get to their destinations safely, they face many dangers on the road. Bicyclists can be injured because of poor road and sidewalk maintenance, inattentive pedestrians, and negligent drivers. Accidents between motor vehicles and bicycles can be very serious for cyclists, causing severe injuries. After a bike accident, a Mehlville bicycle accident lawyer is crucial for recovering the compensation you need to heal.

The Cagle Law Firm understands the serious pain and stress of being in a bicycle accident. More serious collisions can cause disability, preventing someone from cycling again. Injuries can have significant treatment costs and long-term care bills. These financial and emotional losses should be compensated by the party who caused them.

The attorneys at The Cagle Law Firm want to represent injured cyclists. When you hire us, you can rest and physically recover while we investigate the cause of your collision and determine the ideal method of pursuing personal injury compensation.

best bicycle accident attorney in mehlville

Liability in a Bike Crash in Mehlville

In a collision between a motor vehicle and a bicycle, it is not always straightforward which party is at fault. It’s important to investigate the cause of the accident to determine who was at fault, whether they are a driver, a cyclist, a pedestrian, or another party. When pursuing compensation, you need to establish several elements to prove a party at fault so you can hold their insurance company liable for your injuries. These elements include:

  1. Duty: The party owed you a duty to act with reasonable consideration for your well-being.
  2. Breach: The party breached this duty of care through negligence.
  3. Causation: The breach of care caused the accident.
  4. Injuries: The accident resulted in you being injured.

In car collisions, drivers can pursue compensation with an insurance case against the at-fault driver. If you are a cyclist who was hit by a negligent motor vehicle driver, you can pursue compensation with an auto insurance case. If the accident was the fault of another party, you could pursue a case against them. An experienced bicycle accident attorney can determine your options for recovering compensation.

Potential Causes of Bicycle Accidents

The cause of a bicycle collision is the first element that determines which party is liable for the crash. Negligence is the most common basis for a bicycle accident case. The at-fault party may not have purposely intended to cause an accident, but their carelessness caused your injury, and their insurance can be liable for the consequences.

Common causes of bicycle crashes in Mehlville include:

  • Drivers who are distracted by their phones, passengers, or something else
  • Cyclists who are distracted by their music or phones
  • Cyclists who are otherwise not watching the road
  • Drivers who fail to yield the right-of-way to cyclists
  • Drivers failing to look out for cyclists
  • Drivers or cyclists ignoring stop lights or signs
  • Cyclists committing right-of-way violations
  • Aggressive drivers failing to give cyclists enough space on the road
  • Drivers or cyclists who are operating their vehicles while fatigued
  • Drivers who are speeding or driving too quickly for the road and visibility conditions
  • Cyclists or drivers who are operating under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • Drivers not checking blind spots
  • Drivers opening car doors into a cyclist
  • Road defects, such as poor drainage, potholes, cracks, or degrading shoulders
  • A mechanical or similar failure in a car or bike component

Many of these causes are due to negligence by drivers or cyclists. However, these are not all the causes of bicycle accidents. Some bicycle accidents are product liability cases due to an unreasonably dangerous component in a vehicle.

An attorney is crucial for finding the right method of recovering compensation.

FAQs About Mehlville, MO Bicycle Accident Laws

Who Is Usually at Fault If a Bicycle Is Involved in an Accident?

Every bicycle accident is unique, and there is no way to know for certain who is at fault without looking at the specific collision. Either a motor vehicle driver or a bicyclist may be liable for a crash due to some type of negligence, such as driving distracted, a lack of maintenance, intoxication, or fatigue. Determining which individual was to blame or if a third party was negligent requires careful investigation. If the case ends up in court, each party may be found partially at fault.

Can I Pursue a Case If I Get Knocked Off My Bike?

Yes, you could be eligible to pursue a case if you get knocked off your bike due to someone acting negligently and this caused you to be injured. For example, you could pursue a case against a driver’s insurance carrier if the driver was texting while driving, and this caused them to turn into you on the crosswalk and injure you. Pursuing a case can recover the cost of your medical bills and other losses.

What Should You Do Immediately After a Bike Accident?

Immediately after a bike accident, you should call the police to report the accident and your injuries. If you are unable to do this, your priority is waiting to receive medical care. Do not leave the scene of the accident unless you are being transported by an ambulance. If you can, document the scene and give a statement to the police as they make their report. This report is a crucial initial piece of evidence in a case.

What Is the Most Common Injury in a Bicycle Crash?

Many types of injuries can happen in a bicycle crash, and they can range in severity. Some common types of injuries include:

  • Road rash and embedded road debris
  • Lacerations, cuts, and scrapes
  • Contusions
  • Fractured bones
  • Dislocations
  • Vision and hearing damage
  • Facial and dental injuries
  • Neck and back injuries
  • Traumatic brain injuries, including concussions
  • Spinal cord injuries, including paralysis
  • Internal injuries, including bleeding or organ damage
  • Wrongful death

The speed of the crash and the location where it occurred can influence the severity of these injuries.

Dedicated Legal Representation After a Bike Accident

If you were injured in a bike accident, you may have options to recover the significant financial losses you have suffered. The team at The Cagle Law Firm can secure the most compensation possible on your behalf. Contact our firm today.


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