The unexpected loss of a loved one is a heartbreaking event that many know all too well. A loved one’s death is always difficult, but being able to prepare for it, like a loved one having a long battle with illness, can help provide some comfort when the moment does come. Unfortunately, many people have their lives turned upside down by a sudden loss. This happens to people every day, and accidents are often the cause. People can often be put into unsafe situations due to others’ carelessness, resulting in serious personal injury cases and death. These deaths could have been avoided if the other parties involved acted responsibly.
There’s help available if you’ve lost a loved one due to wrongful death. Finding a wrongful death lawyer in Lexington, KY, is the best thing you can do for yourself and your family in this situation. With The Cagle Law Firm, you have the chance to win financial compensation for your loved one’s wrongful death.
Proving wrongful death can be complicated, which is why you need a personal injury lawyer with experience dealing with these cases. The right lawyer will know the ins and outs of working with a wrongful death case and have the best chance of helping you receive compensation. A lot goes into determining if a death was wrongful, and an expert needs to examine all the available details.
Here are the four elements of wrongful death that need to be proven.
First, it needs to be proven that someone else’s negligence caused a person’s death. Such as, someone’s carelessness caused an auto accident or event to occur that resulted in death.
Many people might not be aware of the duty they have to keep others safe. Breach of duty might often be associated with professionals entrusted with another’s well-being, such as employers having a duty to keep their employees safe at work and prevent workplace injuries. However, we all have a duty to care for others in various aspects of our lives. For example, all drivers have a duty to act responsibly on the road to keep everyone else safe. Breach of duty occurs when someone with a proven duty to others fails to uphold it.
Just because there was a breach of duty doesn’t mean that it caused a person’s death. In a wrongful death lawsuit, it needs to be proven that the death would not have occurred without the other party’s negligence. Negligence has to be the cause of a person’s death directly.
After a wrongful death, someone in the victim’s life (usually family and friends) needs to show that they’ve suffered damages from it. This can include financial damages caused by their passing, like losing their income or the benefits they received from their employer. It can also include non-economic damages that aren’t as easy to calculate, like the pain and suffering caused by the death. An expert wrongful death attorney gathers information and gets to know each victim’s family to learn their individual story in order to best represent the victim’s family.
Hiring a lawyer after a wrongful death is a huge step to take. This is an already stressful and trying time, and taking legal action can sometimes feel like a lot, but it’s something you need to do for yourself and your family. In reality, hiring an expert wrongful death attorney can take some much stress out of your life so that you can focus on your family and healing. By finding a qualified wrongful death attorney in Lexington, KY, you have a valuable asset on your side to take on the heavy lifting to fight for you to receive compensation. At The Cagle Law Firm, we know the challenges you’re facing and can help get you through it.
Understandably, you might have many questions right now. Contact us for a free consultation to learn more.
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