You might never think about it until it happens to you, but a slip-and-fall injury accident can become a stressful turning point in your life. When a property owner is negligent in ensuring an area is safe, and you get hurt as a result, you are owed compensation.
After a fall with injuries, you want to focus on your health and not worry about damages, lawyers, and courts. That’s why our personal injury law firm is here. Call us when you need a slip-and-fall lawyer in Lexington, KY, and we will take care of the legal framework around securing your restitution.
Slip and fall injuries can occur anywhere and at any time. People who own property, specifically business owners who invite the public to visit, are responsible for keeping that property safe at all times. If they are negligent in doing so and someone gets hurt as a result, that property owner could face a premises liability case in court. In almost every scenario, your injury claim is handled through the business’s insurance carrier.
While each person has a duty to pay attention to where they are walking, dangerous conditions that arise from lack of maintenance can make you eligible to claim injury benefits should you fall.
Unsafe scenarios where you could get hurt and end up needing a Cagle slip and fall attorney in Lexington, KY, include:
As we mentioned, these situations could occur anywhere. For instance, imagine you are shopping in a grocery store, with only your food list and other mundane issues on your mind. Suddenly, you feel yourself slip on the wet floor under you, when no wet-floor sign is present. You fall on the hard floor, injure your leg, and now need ongoing treatment for the pain and discomfort.
You may not be aware of it, but you could have a personal injury case on your hands in that scenario. If the store is found to have been negligent in not cleaning up the spill, you could claim compensation for your injury. That means a settlement could pay for your medical bills, any lost wages, and your physical and mental pain and suffering.
Many personal injury cases involve opposing insurance companies not wanting to pay for your damages. The Cagle Law Firm has years of experience dealing with insurance adjusters and insurance lawyers. We will go all the way to court for you if we must. Compensation for your injuries is worth that fight, and we will gladly take on the challenge.
Contact The Cagle Law Firm if you have suffered a slip and fall accident and believe it wasn’t your fault. If you have been injured and sought medical treatment, you may have a claim.
A personal injury lawyer at The Cagle Law Firm can investigate and pursue compensation for you Once we take on your case, you can get back to recovering from your injury while we handle all the legal matters. We get paid only when you do!
We are here to fight for you, and that will never change. Call us today to set up a consultation with one of our attorneys.
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