Car accidents can happen in an instant and leave you feeling afraid, hopeless, and angry. The problem is made all the worse when the accident was someone else’s fault and you got hurt as a result. Your life suddenly changes in moments like that. Now you need to focus on seeking medical care for yourself, calling your insurance company, and getting your car repaired, if possible. Not only is this inconvenient, but you may not have the money to pay multiple deductibles and other costs while you get your life back together.
This is where you need a car accident lawyer in Lexington, KY. If another driver has hurt you through inattentive driving, you may have a case of liability. You might not know what to do to claim the financial compensation that is rightfully yours, but you can bet a personal injury attorney from The Cagle Law Firm will know.
Let us explain further. Here are some of the primary reasons why you will need a lawyer following a car accident.
After you have called the police to the scene of the accident and sought medical attention for yourself, you should contact a Lexington car accident attorney as soon as you can. Working with a lawyer from the start provides you with various benefits, such as an explanation of the importance of follow-up medical treatment and following doctor’s orders and recommendations. We always emphasize the importance of following up with a specialist physician if needed. As your attorneys, we request all bills and records from medical providers involved in your treatment. The last thing an injured person should have to do is retrieve pages upon pages of records and bills from multiple physicians. Additionally, we read and organize your records, as they are often needed in negotiations and/or trials.
You can sue the other driver for your injuries without using an attorney, but it is generally not advisable to do so because of the work involved in it for the average person. Unless you are an attorney, pursuing a lawsuit is not quite as simple as it sounds on a Google search. The other driver’s insurance company will undoubtedly be delighted that you chose to file a lawsuit on your own rather than hire an attorney. When you have a drunk driving accident attorney in your corner, you don’t need to worry about being treated unfairly in the claims process. The lawyer will know how to fight for you, and what information will be required to do it well. If you are hurt, you should not be burdened by having to update an adjuster weekly or bi-weekly; Let an attorney handle that communication for you while you recover.
When we speak of damages in car accident cases, we are often talking about an actual monetary value that is placed on all you have lost, from your medical expenses to your time off work and any future medical treatment you may need specific to this injury. Your car accident lawyer in Lexington, KY, will know how to value those disparate elements and add them together to derive a final figure. Typically, we say that the more serious the injury, the more money you can seek (again, it depends on the injury, medical treatment, and coverage). A head-on accident, for example, would tend to cause more grievous injuries than a slow-moving fender-bender might. However, all motor vehicle crashes are unique and the amount of damage to your car rarely translates to the amount of injury to your body. Your attorney will fight to ensure the opposing insurance company takes everything you have suffered into account and rewards you with what you deserve.
Your Lexington car accident attorney from The Cagle Law Firm will know exactly how to navigate all of this complexity for you. In the meantime, you can recover from your traumatic experience, knowing we are handling your case with all our years of experience.
If you have been hurt in a car accident that wasn’t your fault, call a personal injury lawyer at The Cagle Law Firm as soon as you can. This will allow us to start on your case immediately and be prepared to take on any obstacle to winning you the justice you need. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.
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