While we are all told that death is ultimately inevitable, death due to injury is jarring and often preventable. The death of any of our loved ones is difficult to accept, but wrongful death is particularly cruel. When a death occurs due to an injury that could have been prevented, it is a grievous wrong to any individual or family. In these heartbreaking situations, you need a wrongful death lawyer in Kansas City, MO, who will fight for your family.
While nothing can ever take away the pain of loss, here at The Cagle Law Firm, we believe the memory of your loved one deserves to be accurately shared and due compensation for personal injury awarded. We work to hold those responsible for your loved one’s death accountable. Compensation never holds the value of life but can assist with the financial burden of the loss thrust upon the family.
Wrongful death claims provide a valuable avenue for assisting with the hardships that come with losing a loved one. When in the grieving process, it can be difficult to muster the energy to pursue a lawsuit or seek information. Here are three reasons why this is the time when a Kansas City wrongful death attorney can help the most.
Every year in the United States, motor vehicle accidents cause nearly 40,000 fatalities. Many of these could have been prevented. The most common causes of road accidents are inattentive driving and driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Taking a trip to the grocery store or a vacation to another state shouldn’t put a person’s life at peril, and someone else’s error shouldn’t be the reason you are deprived of someone special to you.
Our Kansas City wrongful death lawyers know that while wrongful death isn’t the result of an intentional act, it is still very much a type of theft – and those responsible must be held accountable.
Shameful but true, people in mourning are rarely allowed to grieve in peace. Depending on your relationship with a lost loved one, you may have to deal with a significant financial burden in the form of funeral and burial costs. If the person who died shared a household with you and contributed to utilities or other expenses, then the financial situation becomes far more burdensome. The loss of income and support are immense. When life is upending due to loss, you may now be left struggling just to make ends meet.
In situations such as fatal motor vehicle accidents, is it fair that you should have to pay hospital bills to the very institution and doctors who ended a loved one’s life due to negligence? In situations such as fatal motor vehicle accidents, a host of hospital bills is a further insult to injury. A wrongful death attorney in Kansas City, MO, will help you get the compensation you deserve.
No one should ever have to feel the pain of having someone special taken away before their time. But if you know what that’s like, then it’s not unusual to want to prevent others from suffering the same fate. If someone you love dies due to the dangers of defective products, for example, it’s not enough for those products to be taken off store shelves. Filing a claim or a lawsuit is how families and other consumers hold manufacturers accountable to the consumer. Due to courageous individuals over time, many dangerous products have been made safe or taken off of the market thus preventing more loss and injury to others.
More importantly, they need to be told in no uncertain terms that errors of negligence are not acceptable. The Kansas City wrongful death lawyers at The Cagle Law Firm want to hold negligent parties accountable, obtain much-needed compensation, and make products and procedures safer.
Human life is a precious thing that should not be taken lightly. When it is, the result may be an innocent person dying through no fault of their own. At The Cagle Law Firm, the highest priority of our personal injury lawyers is to seek justice every time it is needed. That means exposing negligence, protecting survivors, and honoring your lost loved ones.
If you have a friend or family member who died, and you think you know who is responsible, you need a wrongful death attorney in Kansas City, MO. Contact The Cagle Law Firm today.
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