A car collision can be a life-altering situation and can result in serious injuries. It is important to act quickly after a collision to get the compensation you are owed from a driver’s insurance when the driver is to blame for the crash. A Hazelwood car accident lawyer is a crucial ally when protecting your rights and securing the financial recovery you deserve. That way, your personal injury attorney can begin pursuing compensation quickly.
After a car accident, you can pursue compensation with the at-fault driver’s insurance company. You should be able to get the entire cost of your injuries and other losses. Unfortunately, insurance carriers focus only on their bottom line and do what they can to avoid paying full and fair compensation.
When you work with the team at The Cagle Law Firm, we negotiate and fight for you against the insurance carriers. These insurers attempt various tactics to minimize your case when you do not have legal representation. We investigate fault and gather available evidence of your injuries to present a strong case against the insurance carrier. If taking the case to court can benefit the case, we do not hesitate.
Our firm has represented injured individuals and their families for decades, and we can continue to help by securing you the most compensation available.
If you are in a car accident, you should first call emergency responders to report the accident if you are physically able to do so. If you are not, then you hope others on the scene do so. Reporting the accident and any injuries of those involved is important for several reasons.
It ensures that all parties receive prompt emergency medical care. It also means that there will be a police report of the crash. The medical documentation and police report are both evidence for a case.
If you are physically able to do so, you should also document the scene in whatever way you are able to, gather witness information, exchange information with the other driver(s), and then get in contact with an experienced car accident attorney.
In certain car collisions, there is not only one driver to blame for the crash. Both or multiple drivers may be partially at fault. If you were partially at fault, getting legal representation is even more important. An insurance carrier can try to use your fault to refuse to pay any compensation. If you are partially at fault, you will want to discuss the incident right away with an experienced attorney.
When a case involving partial liability is heard before a judge or jury, they may assign each party their percentage of fault. Based on Missouri’s comparative fault law, if your percentage is 50% or less, you can still recover partial compensation. The amount you are found at fault for is the same percentage that your final verdict can be reduced by. An attorney in Hazelwood can advocate for you to potentially decrease your percentage fault, maximizing the compensation you can earn.
Car accidents can result in a variety of injuries, both minor and severe. Do not assume that just because there is limited property damage to a vehicle, there were no serious injuries in the accident. Those in car collisions can have serious injuries even with minimal property damage. Injuries from collisions can take months to heal, leading to substantial costs and financial losses in your life. Some common injuries include:
These injuries and the accident can also have lasting psychological and emotional injuries. The costs of these economic and non-economic losses should be compensated.
There actually is no average compensation figure for a car accident in Missouri. Compensation recovery is focused on the facts of the incident, the resulting physical injuries, and insurance coverage You cannot determine what your compensation is likely to be based on existing averages. Each injured person deserves individual evaluation of damages and should not be regulated by a table of “averages”.
The compensation you earn is dependent mostly on how serious your injuries are because more serious injuries are likely to have higher medical costs and long-term care needs. Legal representation increases the compensation you earn.
After a car accident in Missouri, there is a statute of limitations of five years, which is how long you have to sue from the date of the accident. In no circumstance should you wait this long. As soon as you are involved in a collision, you should begin working with a car accident attorney to pursue compensation against the at fault party’s insurance carrier. If the statute of limitations expires on your case, you are forever barred from recovering compensation.
No, Missouri is a fault-based state for car accidents. You can pursue compensation after a car collision with the insurance carrier of the driver who caused the accident. The support of an attorney is crucial in securing financial recovery in these cases, including determining which driver was at fault and gathering available evidence to support your case.
Fault in a car accident in Missouri is determined by gathering available evidence from the scene and proving the following:
Proving these elements is much simpler with the help of an attorney, and some evidence is not possible to secure without an attorney’s resources.
It’s important to act quickly after a car collision. Do not wait to get in contact with a responsive and expert attorney at The Cagle Law Firm. Contact our firm if you or someone you love was injured in a car accident.
Schedule your FREE CONSULTATION today by contacting us at (314) 276-1681 or by sending us an email through the online contact form.
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