A personal injury claim occurs when you are injured because another individual or group acted without reasonable care. Depending on the circumstances, an at-fault party may be acting recklessly, negligently, or maliciously, or they might be failing to uphold the mandate of their profession to look out for your safety. You can hold that party responsible for any physical and emotional damages you suffered and regain your financial losses. A Florissant personal injury attorney can help you.
By filing a personal injury claim, you can cover medical costs, lost income, and long-term damages from an accident. Unfortunately, it is not easy to manage the legal process of filing a claim while you are in pain and attempting to recover. An attorney is incredibly beneficial, as they can manage these details on your behalf, negotiate with other parties, keep you informed of the process, and often increase the damages you obtain from a settlement.
When you or a loved one has been injured or killed due to someone’s negligence, you need experienced representation from a Missouri personal injury lawyer. At The Cagle Law Firm, we strive to help individuals and families in our community recover from difficult injuries. We work hard to obtain the damages that you have a right to.
Whether you are suffering from physical and emotional pain due to an injury or dealing with the devastating loss of a loved one, it is not often easy to file a legal claim. It may even feel like the wrong time to do so. However, it’s important to recognize the financial stability that a claim could give you, especially if you’ve lost a significant part of your income. There is a limited time to file a personal injury or wrongful death claim, but a compassionate attorney can help you navigate this process.
At The Cagle Law Firm, we can support you in filing a claim, as we can improve your chances of success and increase the compensation you receive. We believe in communicating effectively with you to determine what you need from a claim so that we can better protect your interests.
Negligence is one of the most common grounds for filing a personal injury claim. Other common grounds include strict liability and intentional misconduct. Strict liability applies to situations like dog attacks and product liability claims. Intentional tort claims occur when someone is malicious and/or intentionally harms someone.
When an individual is responsible for your injuries under the theory of negligence, it means that they had a duty of care to act reasonably, and they failed to do this. This failure then caused an accident or incident, which directly led to your injury and other damages. All these elements must be present to prove a personal injury claim based on negligence.
How you prove that another party owed you care and acted negligently will differ based on the unique type of personal injury case, injury, and accident.
There are many distinct causes of personal injury claims. Each personal injury claim and injury will be unique, but a Florissant personal injury attorney who has worked on cases like yours can help you determine how to most effectively approach your claim. There are common elements in different types of personal injury claims. An attorney who has had success in claims like yours is likely more effective at gathering evidence, calculating your damages, and negotiating your settlement.
At The Cagle Law Firm, we are experienced in many personal injury claims, including:
Around the country, car accidents are one of the most frequent causes of personal injuries. Some of these crashes are minor and can be covered by an insurance claim. Because Missouri is an at-fault state, this claim is typically filed with the at-fault driver’s insurance provider. If the driver is underinsured or uninsured, you may be able to cover damages by filing with your own insurance provider.
Whether you are filing an insurance claim or a personal injury claim, a car accident attorney in Florissant, MO can be a useful ally. They can negotiate with an insurance provider and argue for a fair settlement based on the harm you suffered. Car accidents are frequently the fault of negligent drivers, but they can also be caused by defective products or road hazards.
In most truck accident claims, you file with the trucking company’s insurance provider or that of the truck driver, depending on the circumstances and cause of the accident. Unfortunately, the damages and injuries caused by truck accidents are often devastating and catastrophic. Often, truck accidents are fatal for those in passenger cars. A higher level of damages makes claims more complicated.
Truck accident claims are also more complicated due to the number of parties who may be at fault. The trucking company, a third-party company that loads or ships the products, the truck driver, others on the road, and many other parties may be potentially liable. In some cases, you can file personal injury claims against multiple parties. A Florissant truck accident attorney can investigate the accident to determine who was at fault.
Motorcycles do not have the same protections for their riders as passenger cars do. When cars and motorcycles get into accidents, motorcyclists are much more likely to suffer catastrophic and fatal injuries. Often, other drivers do not notice motorcycles, have a hard time seeing them, or do not take appropriate care when driving behind them or passing them. Usually, a driver is at fault for the accident for failing to act with reasonable care.
Missouri operates under strict liability laws for dog bites and other attacks by pets. This means that dog owners are financially and legally responsible for any harm their dog does, even if they have no reason to suspect that the dog was violent or dangerous. Some dog bites result in minor wounds, while others result in severe lacerations and punctures, fractured or broken bones, and crushing injuries. Dog bites often happen to children and the elderly, which means that injuries can be more severe.
Property owners have a responsibility to keep safe premises and respond to hazards in a reasonable amount of time when they learn of them. Slips and falls and other premises liability accidents occur when hazards like uneven ground, spills, slippery floors, and dim lighting are not addressed, and someone is injured. This applies to public and private property owners, who have a responsibility for the safety of anyone legally on their grounds.
Some jobs have more hazards than others, but all employers have an obligation to provide their employees with a safe workplace. When you are injured on the job, you must typically file a workers’ compensation claim. This claim could cover medical bills and a portion of your wages. In most cases, you cannot file a personal injury claim when you are injured at work. However, there are exceptions to this.
If you were injured at work by a third party, such as a subcontractor or another driver on the road while you were on the clock, you may be able to file a personal injury claim in addition to a workers’ compensation claim. You may also be able to file a personal injury claim against your employer if they do not carry workers’ compensation insurance.
In cases where someone is injured due to another party’s negligence and they do not survive their injuries, their family can file a wrongful death claim. This can enable a family to recover damages such as a loss of income and support, any medical costs incurred before their loved one passed, and funeral and burial costs. A wrongful death claim can provide a family with some financial stability during this difficult time.
The Cagle Law Firm has also handled other personal injury claims dealing with:
Many personal injury claims require an investigation into complex accidents as well as an understanding of federal laws and regulations. It’s essential that you work with an attorney who knows these statutes and how they apply to your case.
If you are partially at fault for the accident that caused your personal injury, you may think that you cannot recover damages. This is not the case. Under Missouri pure comparative negligence laws, you could successfully file a claim even if you were 99% liable for the accident. You can file for damages from the party who was 1% liable. However, it’s important to be aware that your final settlement will be impacted by your percentage of fault.
If the court determines that you were 60% liable for the accident, your final compensation amount will be reduced by 60%. An attorney can review the severity of your injuries and damages to determine if a claim is the right thing to do when you are partially at fault. An attorney can also try to advocate for a reduction of your percentage fault with evidence.
When you or a loved one has been injured by someone else, the qualified attorneys at The Cagle Law Firm want to help you. We can review your circumstances and determine if you have any routes to recover damages. If you do have a claim, we can provide you with the investigation and dedicated representation that you need. Contact our firm today.
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