Motorcyclists who are in collisions can suffer immense injuries, including road rash, nerve damage, broken bones, and traumatic brain injuries. These injuries have immediate costs for treatment and many long-term costs, such as lost income and long-term medical needs. When a driver is to blame for the accident, their insurer can be held liable. A Ferguson motorcycle accident lawyer can help injured motorcyclists pursue the personal injury compensation they deserve.
Those riding motorcycles are at a much higher risk for injury. Not only do their vehicles have limited protection, but they are also harder to see, especially if drivers are not taking appropriate care. When a driver causes an accident because they were careless, a motorcyclist deserves to pursue compensation. At The Cagle Law Firm, our team has decades of experience with these cases. We can investigate the cause of the crash and pursue compensation with the liable insurer.
In some cases, motorcycle accidents result in the rider’s death. When this happens because of a driver’s negligence, surviving family members can pursue their losses with the driver’s insurer. These cases are incredibly difficult and require immense care and respect because a claim can never replace the loss of a loved one. The Cagle Law Firm can help families through this time and provide them with diligent legal representation.
Motorcycle collisions have unique challenges that are not always present in other motor vehicle accidents. Some of these complexities include:
There is a portion of the population that has biases and believes that motorcyclists are risk takers and less concerned about their personal safety. You want an attorney in Ferguson who is aware of these biases and works to overcome those biases. Most motorcyclists who have ridden for many years are safe evident in the fact that they have ridden for many years.
Working with an experienced attorney is important after a motorcycle accident to help you limit these biases and advocate for the financial recovery you are owed. When you are not to blame for a crash, you should not be considered responsible just for operating your vehicle. Legal representation can help you navigate these frustrating situations.
Every motorcycle accident in Missouri results in unique injuries and, therefore, unique settlement values. Motorcycle injuries and costs are generally higher in value than other motor vehicle accident cases because motorcyclists are more likely to suffer severe and long-lasting injuries. A full and fair settlement would cover expensive medical treatment, physical therapy, lost income or disability payments, and the changes to your life.
A settlement’s value also depends on other factors, such as whether you have legal representation and insurance coverage.
Most lawyers charge a contingency fee for a motorcycle accident settlement case in Missouri. This means that they charge a portion of the final settlement or verdict rather than charging out-of-pocket fees. The exact percentage they charge may vary based on the attorney, their location, their experience, and whether the case goes to trial or not. Trial cases require more work and may take longer to resolve, but may be to the claimant’s benefit, as more compensation is possible.
If there is a motorcycle accident, your priorities are usually obvious. Call 911 and seek immediate medical treatment. Reporting the accident to emergency services and informing them of any injuries you are aware of will help you get the medical care that you and others need.
Reporting the accident also ensures that a police officer will be on-site to document the accident. The police report is an essential third-party account of the accident and is important initial evidence. After an accident, you should also exchange information with others involved in the accident if you are physically able.
Every motorcycle accident is unique, and either party could be fully or partially responsible for the crash. All drivers owe a duty of care to the other occupants of the roadway. When one party breaches that duty through a negligent action, they can be liable for damages to the other party.
A rider or driver may breach their duty of care through negligent actions or inactions like being distracted, failing to check their blind spots, or driving too quickly for the weather.
Injured motorcyclists have plenty to deal with after an accident, and the right legal representation can mitigate some of this stress. If you have been in an accident and are unsure whether you can pursue compensation, contact The Cagle Law Firm today.
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