Chicago IL Truck Accident Lawyer

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Chicago, IL Truck Accident Attorney

Few road encounters are scarier than an accident with a commercial truck. Likewise, few are as disastrous. While any automobile collision can have serious and fatal consequences, colliding with a tractor-trailer is very likely to result in significant injuries or death. That’s why you need a personal injury lawyer who will see to it that you get the compensation you need to cover your medical and financial damages.

The Chicago truck accident lawyers at The Cagle Law Firm are dedicated, experienced, and well-versed in federal trucking regulations. Making a truck accident claim can be a long, complicated process, and it’s easy to be tempted into settling for less than you deserve. With The Cagle Law Firm at your side, however, you’ll have all the resources you need to ensure that the parties responsible for your pain are genuinely held accountable.

chicago il truck accident lawyer

How to Avoid Truck Accidents

Expect wide turns

A common site for truck accidents is at intersections. Because commercial tractor-trailers are so much bigger than other vehicles, they require much wider turns, sometimes taking up more than one lane. Trying to pass a turning truck can be a recipe for disaster. In addition, when trucks stop at intersections, cars traveling close behind can become almost invisible to truck drivers, making it even easier for accidents to occur.

Be mindful of visibility

As noted above, commercial trucks have several larger-than-usual blind spots due to their size. Many road accidents involving trucks occur because truck drivers fail to see the vehicle they end up hitting. Doing your best to stay out of a truck’s blind spots can go a long way toward preventing an accident. Keep your eye out for a truck’s rear-view mirrors. If you can’t see the driver’s face, the driver can’t see you. Cutting in front of a large truck on the interstate or highway is dangerous. Just as you do not appreciate other drivers cutting you off, it can be especially dangerous when a large truck requires more space to stop.

Keep your distance

The most important strategy for avoiding a tractor-trailer accident is to always keep your distance. No matter how much you try to protect yourself, there is always the possibility of a truck driver’s error. Truck drivers often work long hours with little sleep, resulting in frequent driver fatigue accidents. Most truck drivers in Chicago do adhere strictly to the federal hours of service regulations and work very hard to be safe, as their own lives depend on safety as well. The best way to avoid truck accidents is to allow truck drivers a wide berth or plenty of space. The more distance you maintain, the better.

Get a Chicago Truck Accident Attorney Today

The safety tips above can make all the difference between a close call and an outright accident. But sometimes there’s nothing you can do to prevent a collision. Sometimes accidents happen through no fault of your own.

That’s when you need a Chicago truck accident lawyer who will fight for you. An accident with a commercial truck can leave you with staggering medical bills and a host of other problems. The Cagle Law Firm wants to make sure you get the compensation you deserve so you can see these times through as smoothly as possible. To learn more about how we can help, use our online form or call (314) 276-1681 to request a free consultation.


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