Central Illinois Truck Accident Lawyer

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Central Illinois Truck Accident Attorney

If you live in Central Illinois, there’s a very strong chance that you encounter large commercial trucks on a daily basis. Vehicles like semis, tanker trucks, tractor-trailers, and flatbeds crisscross Illinois interstates and highways regularly, hauling their loads from destination to destination. While these trucks perform a necessary economic function, they also pose a serious risk of injury when they are involved in accidents, which happen more often than they should.

At The Cagle Law Firm, we dedicate ourselves to helping truck accident victims recover compensation for their losses and will review the facts of your case at absolutely no cost to you. To schedule your free case evaluation with a truck accident attorney in Central Illinois, call our office today at (314) 276-1681.

central illinois truck accident lawyer

What Causes Truck Accidents in Central Illinois?

Truck accidents in Central Illinois can occur for a number of reasons, many of which entitle victims to compensation for their accident-related losses. Some of the most common include:

  • Driver error
  • Driver fatigue
  • Improper loading or securement of cargo
  • Impaired driving
  • Speeding
  • Distracted driving

What Should You Do After a Truck Accident?

The aftermath of a truck accident can be a confusing time, even if you’ve been involved in a wreck before. Crashes involving commercial vehicles can be much more complicated than those only involving privately owned vehicles because there are so many more parties involved. While a car accident between two non-commercial vehicles may only involve two insurance companies, a commercial truck accident may also involve the trucking companies, the owners of the cargo, the truck manufacturers, and others.

Fortunately, there are certain things that you can do to protect your rights after an accident involving a commercial truck. These include:

  • Document as much information as you can about your accident – The first step to protecting your legal right to recover compensation is to record as much information as possible about the way your accident occurred and the people involved. Remember, if you need immediate medical attention, we can always obtain information later, so there is no need to stay at the scene of the accident and put your health at risk. If you are able to stay at the scene of the accident, however, you should make note of things like the names of the drivers involved in the crash, any markings on the truck that identify the company responsible for its operation, the weather conditions at the time of the accident, and anything out of the ordinary with the other vehicles or the drivers involved.
  • Request a thorough medical evaluation as soon as possible – You should see a medical professional and request a comprehensive medical evaluation immediately after a crash involving a commercial vehicle. This is true even if you were discharged from the hospital after a period of observation or emergency medical personnel cleared you to go home at the scene of the accident. Not only is it critical that a doctor properly identifies and treats your injuries, but it’s also vital for any insurance claim that you make that you have an official medical record detailing the extent and severity of your injuries. The top priority it that you seek medical treatment so that you can fully recover. When your health is the first priority, we are all on the same page.
  • Keep detailed notes about the way in which your injuries affect you – You should keep a journal about the way in which your injuries affect you on a daily basis. Remember, nothing is too small or insignificant to note. Document any pain you experience, trouble you have sleeping, social events you need to skip, or feelings of depression or anxiety that you have.
  • Retain an attorney as soon as you can – Perhaps the most important step you can take to protect your rights after you suffer an injury in an accident with a commercial truck is retaining a lawyer to represent you. You should do this as soon as possible, as there is a chance that you could say or do something in the days after your accident that could hurt your chances of recovering compensation. Additionally, waiting to start investigating your case could result in the loss or destruction of evidence that you need to win.

Do You Need a Lawyer if You Have Already Received a Settlement Offer From the Insurance Company?

If the insurance company has already made a settlement offer, you may be wondering if you really need to retain a lawyer to represent you. While there is certainly no requirement that you must retain a lawyer, it’s important to understand that the insurance company is actively trying to settle your case for as little as possible and there is a strong likelihood that the offer you received is far below the actual value of your case. Consulting an attorney is, at minimum, a great idea and a way to get information about the process.

When you retain a Central Illinois truck accident lawyer, however, he or she will conduct a thorough analysis of your losses and demand a settlement offer that adequately compensates you. If the insurance company refuses to settle your case for a fair amount, your attorney may choose to file a lawsuit against the trucker or trucking company that caused your accident to protect your rights.

Illinois Truck Accident Statistics

If you have been in a serious truck accident, it’s important to know that you’re not alone. According to data provided by the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT), in a single year, there were:

  • 11,301 total crashes
  • 106 fatal crashes
  • 1,859 injury crashes
  • 2,066 injuries to occupants of non-trucks
  • 511 injuries to occupants of trucks

Schedule a Free Consultation With a Truck Accident Lawyer in Central Illinois

If you have suffered injuries in an accident involving a large commercial truck, it’s in your best interest to speak to an attorney right away. At The Cagle Law Firm, we understand how devastating truck crashes can be and do everything we can to help victims recover the compensation they deserve. We are committed to resolving your truck accident case as favorably as possible. To schedule a free consultation with one of our highly skilled Central Illinois truck accident attorneys, call our office today at (314) 276-1681 or contact us online.


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