POLICY LIMITS SETTLEMENT Plaintiff was rear-ended by the Defendant near Bonne Terre, Missouri. Plaintiff alleged back injuries, including disc ruptures at L3-L4; L4-L5; and L5-S1; anxiety; and depression as a…
CAR CRASH POLICY LIMITS SETTLEMENT Plaintiff was struck by the Defendant’s car near St. Charles, Missouri. Defendant was a resident of the State of Florida and in the St. Louis…
Plaintiff alleged while traveling on MO HWY 100 (Manchester Road) in St. Louis County, Missouri; a trash truck being operated by the Defendant’s employee switched lanes improperly crashing into his…
POLICY LIMITS SETTLEMENT Plaintiff was a passenger in a car that was hit by a drunk driver in Southeastern Missouri. Unfortunately, the driver of the truck that hit the car…
Confidential Settlement Plaintiff alleged that while attempting to check tow as a lead-man he slipped and fell severely injuring his right knee which required surgery. Moreover, Plaintiff claimed that he…
SEMI TRUCK CRASH CONFIDENTIAL SETTLEMENT On a snowy February day, Plaintiff was traveling southbound on Illinois Route 3 in Illinois. While traveling on the road Plaintiff noticed a car crash…
UNDERINSURED MOTORIST POLICY LIMITS SETTLEMENT Plaintiff was a passenger in a car that was crashed into by a drunk driver. At the time of the car crash the Plaintiff was…
$4.75 MILLION DOLLAR SETTLEMENT FOR CLIENTS EXPOSED TO CHEMICAL Plaintiffs were performing contracting duties at a chemical plant when a chemical tank over pressurized releasing hazardous chemicals, including bromide vapor.…
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