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St. Francois County Car Accident

POLICY LIMITS SETTLEMENT Plaintiff was rear-ended by the Defendant near Bonne Terre, Missouri. Plaintiff alleged back injuries, including disc ruptures at L3-L4; L4-L5; and L5-S1; anxiety; and depression as a…

St. Charles County Car Crash Settlement

CAR CRASH POLICY LIMITS SETTLEMENT Plaintiff was struck by the Defendant’s car near St. Charles, Missouri. Defendant was a resident of the State of Florida and in the St. Louis…

$645K Truck Crash Settlement-Confidential

Plaintiff alleged while traveling on MO HWY 100 (Manchester Road) in St. Louis County, Missouri; a trash truck being operated by the Defendant’s employee switched lanes improperly crashing into his…

Policy Limit Settlement, Southeast Missouri

POLICY LIMITS SETTLEMENT Plaintiff was a passenger in a car that was hit by a drunk driver in Southeastern Missouri. Unfortunately, the driver of the truck that hit the car…

Jones Act Confidential Settlement, St. Louis City

Confidential Settlement Plaintiff alleged that while attempting to check tow as a lead-man he slipped and fell severely injuring his right knee which required surgery. Moreover, Plaintiff claimed that he…

Illinois Confidential Truck Accident Settlment

SEMI TRUCK CRASH CONFIDENTIAL SETTLEMENT On a snowy February day, Plaintiff was traveling southbound on Illinois Route 3 in Illinois. While traveling on the road Plaintiff noticed a car crash…

J.K. v. Farmers Insurance & Progressive Northwest Insurance Company

UNDERINSURED MOTORIST POLICY LIMITS SETTLEMENT Plaintiff was a passenger in a car that was crashed into by a drunk driver. At the time of the car crash the Plaintiff was…

D.E. et. al v. Confidential

$4.75 MILLION DOLLAR SETTLEMENT FOR CLIENTS EXPOSED TO CHEMICAL Plaintiffs were performing contracting duties at a chemical plant when a chemical tank over pressurized releasing hazardous chemicals, including bromide vapor.…


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