By Zane T. Cagle | October 13, 2016 | Car Accidents, Featured, Motorcycle Accidents, Personal Injury
Missouri and Illinois roadways are prime areas for an increase in deer traffic during the mating and migration season.
More motor vehicle crashes occur from October through December than any other time of the year related to deer. In addition, the beginning of hunting season usually fills the woods with gunshots further increasing the movement of deer.
Conservation efforts account for deer hunting in an effort to control the deer population and reduce the conflict between human and deer population in order to avoid crashes and conflicts. However, deer mating and migration patterns have been a part of this region for many years.
The expression likens being so surprised or frightened so that one cannot move or think, thus this is not metaphorical but actual deer behavior when they are confronted with a moving vehicle at night. Deer reactions are erratic and impossible to predict so trying to avoid hitting a deer often results in a driver losing control of their vehicle and often running off the road and or striking an object or another car.
The Missouri Department of Highway Patrol recommends that you if you cannot slow down and avoid wildlife on the roadway, “drive through” any animal that is in the roadway rather than trying to swerve and risk losing control. More often than not, drivers swerve to miss an animal in the road and lose control resulting in serious injury or fatal crashes.
“Driving through an animal” almost seems counter-intuitive to most drivers. We automatically react to something in our path by swerving but in the common deer scenario, it is better to drive through the deer than swerving and losing control.
As deer and human populations continue to conflict, deer sightings can happen on interstates in and around St. Louis as well as other metropolitan areas. Often, deer are seen all over St. Louis County, thus you cannot assume that just because you live in a metropolitan area, you won’t have to encounter them on the roadways. And, they can take a property damage toll.
If you’ve driven down many Missouri and Illinois highways, chances are good that you’ve had a near-miss with a deer or know someone who has hit a deer. They are so common in the fall.
Check your auto insurance policy for coverage should you hit a deer. Unless you are struck by another car trying to avoid a deer, you are looking at filing a property damage claim with your own insurance as a deer cannot be named as a “defendant” in a claim or injury lawsuit. If you have been injured in a vehicle where the driver hit a deer, then you can possibly make a claim with the driver’s insurance for your injuries.
If you’ve been injured in a car crash, you should consult an expert car crash attorney as soon as possible and before talking with any insurance company.
The Cagle Law Firm serves accident and injury clients throughout St. Louis and the greater St. Louis metropolitan area, including the eastern Missouri and southern Illinois communities. If you or a loved one needs legal assistance with your personal injury case, call The Cagle Law Firm at (314) 276-1681 or use our online contact form to schedule a free consultation.
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