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Feb 17 2023

Injured in a Car Crash? Some Important Things to Know

If you are seriously injured in a motor vehicle crash, you are overwhelmed by uncertainty and stress. Chances…

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Dec 12 2022

Seat Belt Use-Best Roadway Safety Measure

Wear Your Seat Belt!! We are in the busiest driving season of the year. The number one safety…

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Nov 23 2022

Thanksgiving Safe Driving Tips-Food, Family and Conflict

Load up on patience and understanding for the holiday weekend. Heavy traffic congestion and delays can further contribute…

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Oct 27 2022

Safety Steps You Can Take as a Parent of Teen Drivers

When your teen begins to drive, you worry. Operating a motor vehicle is one of the most risky…

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Sep 23 2022

40% Increase in MO Motorcycle Crash Fatalities Since Mandated Helmet Law Lifted

Importance of Motorcycle Helmets Missouri saw a forty (40) percent increase in motorcycle fatalities after lifting the mandatory…

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Aug 19 2022

Roadway Fatalities Have Reached a 20 Year High

A new report from the National Highway Traffic Administrationshares some sobering news if you travel in Missouri and…

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Jul 27 2022

Negotiating the Insurance Claims Process After a Car Crash

Car Crash? While the statistical odds are almost certain that you will be in some kind of motor…

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Jul 01 2022

Car Crashes Over the Fourth of July

Drive Sober, Defensively and Alert The National Safety Council estimates 462 people may die on US roadway this…

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Jun 22 2022

Why is medical treatment so important after a car accident?

Why is medical treatment so important after a car accident? While the answer may seem obvious, the burst…

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May 27 2022

Driving Into Memorial Day Weekend 2022

Memorial Day Weekend is the official beginning of summer and the launch of summer road trips. The number…

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