Florissant Pedestrian Accident Lawyer

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Florissant Pedestrian Accident Attorney

Pedestrians have the right to expect the drivers around them to yield the right-of-way where appropriate and operate their vehicles safely. Unfortunately, pedestrian accidents happen for many reasons in Florissant, often resulting in serious injuries to the victims involved. If you or a loved one were hurt in such an incident, it is vital to connect with an experienced Florissant pedestrian accident lawyer as soon as you can to discuss your options for legal recourse.

Best Florissant Pedestrian Accident Lawyer

Compassionate Legal Counsel for Pedestrian Accident Cases in Florissant, MO

The right attorney can have a tremendous positive impact on your recovery efforts following a pedestrian accident in Florissant. The team at The Cagle Law Firm excels at resolving complex personal injury cases, and we have successfully recovered substantial settlements and verdicts for many past clients injured by the negligent acts of drivers throughout Missouri. If you have been harmed in a pedestrian accident, we can help you recover.

Our team approaches every case focused on the client’s unique needs and concerns. No two personal injury cases are exactly alike, and no two plaintiffs face the same challenges and opportunities in their recovery efforts. We will take time to listen to your story, identify the key areas of concern that demand the most attention, and help you develop a comprehensive legal strategy that aims for maximum recovery of your damages.

Whether you are seeking compensation on your own behalf or on behalf of an injured family member, you will be able to focus on your recovery while our team handles all of the procedural aspects of your case. We will gather the available evidence to prove fault for your accident, identify all parties bearing liability for your damages, and assist you in accurately calculating your claimable damages to ensure the fullest compensation.

Potential Injuries From a Pedestrian Accident

Any vehicle accident has the potential to inflict life-changing injuries, but this risk is significantly greater when a pedestrian is hit by a motor vehicle. Catastrophic injuries may occur, such as traumatic brain damage, spinal cord injuries, and multiple compound fractures. Victims of these incidents often face very long and difficult roads to recovery, and many of them will struggle with various long-term or permanent medical complications.

The victim of a pedestrian accident may also be unable to work while they recover from their injuries. This can easily create a very difficult financial situation for them and their family. Expensive medical bills, on top of inability to work, could deplete savings, so it is vital to know what to do if you believe another party is responsible for inflicting such losses. The right attorney can help you ensure accountability and assist you in recovering fair compensation.

Proving Fault for a Pedestrian Accident

Whenever a motor vehicle driver hits a pedestrian, one might assume that the driver is automatically at fault no matter what the specifics of the situation entail. While this is generally a general perception, it is not true.  The injured party has to prove that the motor vehicle was at fault or liable for the accident occurring in order for the plaintiff to recover fair compensation for their damages. Additionally, it is possible under certain conditions for a pedestrian to be found partially liable for this type of crash.  Pedestrians have to follow the rules of the roadway and must cross at crosswalks. In some municipalities, failure to use the crosswalk or crossing without the correct light and or signal, you claim may be barred regardless of its merits.

Your Florissant pedestrian accident lawyer will help you gather any evidence available to prove exactly how the accident happened. For example, the initial incident report completed by law enforcement is important. If there were any traffic cameras situated near where your accident occurred, the footage these cameras captured could be essential for proving exactly how the accident happened. Witness testimony could also be crucial. If anyone saw the accident happen firsthand, your attorney can secure their statements to support your case.

Many of the pedestrian accidents reported throughout the Florissant area happen because of negligence or failure to use reasonable care behind the wheel. Distracted driving, moving violations, speeding, or driving too fast for conditions are just a few examples of how negligence can easily cause pedestrian accidents. These incidents may also occur because of illegal acts like driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Recovering Compensation for a Pedestrian Accident in Florissant

Every driver in Missouri is legally required to have auto insurance that meets the state’s minimum coverage requirements for bodily injury liability and property damage liability. When a driver causes an accident, their insurance should pay for the resulting damages. This same rule applies to pedestrian accidents, meaning the injured pedestrian’s first option for recovering their damages is typically to file a claim against the at-fault driver’s auto insurance policy.

However, dealing with insurance companies can be difficult. You should always expect an insurance company to fight against a claim for compensation however they can, and some may even engage in unethical tactics in their efforts to avoid paying compensation to injured claimants. In defending the claim, the insurance carrier may argue fault, delay the process and devalue your claim. However, an insurer is less likely to engage in bad faith tactics when they see that a claimant has legal representation.

Your Florissant pedestrian accident lawyer can help you approach the insurance claim filing process with confidence. They can gather all available evidence and supporting documentation you may need to file your claim, and they will also argue disputes the insurer raises against the claim. If and when an insurance carrier makes an offer of offer, your attorney can determine whether it is fair and reasonable.

In the event insurance will not fully cover your losses or be reluctant to do so, you may need to file a lawsuit to ensure the fullest recovery possible. Missouri’s personal injury laws enable injured plaintiffs to seek full repayment of their economic damages, such as medical expenses, and lost income. This may include anticipated future losses, such as the income they will no longer be able to earn in the future due to their disability.

In addition to economic damages, an injured plaintiff may also seek pain and suffering compensation that reflects the severity of their experience and the scope of long-term or permanent complications they face because of their injuries. There is no set formula you must use to calculate pain and suffering compensation. Your attorney can advise you as to how much you could reasonably expect to obtain in compensation for your noneconomic damages.


Q: How Do You Prove Liability for a Pedestrian Accident in Florissant?

A: Proving fault for a pedestrian accident in Florissant will typically require multiple forms of evidence along with witness testimony from anyone who saw the accident happen firsthand. The first and often most important evidence is the incident report done by local law enforcement.  You should ALWAYS call the police when you are involved in an incident.  Further evidence you may need could include photos of the vehicles at the crash scene, traffic camera footage, and the driver’s cell phone records. Your Florissant pedestrian accident lawyer can help you compile the foundational evidence your case requires.

Q: Can a Pedestrian Be at Fault for an Accident in Missouri?

A: Yes, it is possible for a pedestrian to bear fault for an accident in Missouri. If the facts of the case show that they are partially responsible for the accident, this will diminish their recovery under Missouri’s pure comparative fault rule. Under this rule, the victim’s percentage of fault will be the percentage of their case award they lose as a penalty to reflect their shared liability. Jaywalking is the most common way for comparative fault to apply to this type of case.

Q: How Much Compensation Can I Claim for a Pedestrian Accident in Florissant?

A: The amount of compensation you can claim for a pedestrian accident in Florissant will depend on the scope and severity of your injuries. If you are able to prove that another party is directly responsible for causing the accident, your Florissant pedestrian accident lawyer can help you recover compensation for your medical expenses, lost income, lost future earnings, and your pain and suffering.

Q: Why Should I Hire a Florissant Pedestrian Accident Lawyer?

A: You should hire a Florissant pedestrian accident lawyer because you have the greatest chance of success with your case when you have legal counsel you can trust on your side. Your attorney will know how to prove liability for your accident and what types of compensation you could foreseeably obtain if you succeed with your recovery efforts. They can handle your injury case so you can focus on your physical recovery with peace of mind.

Q: How Long Do I Have to File a Pedestrian Accident Claim?

A: The amount of time you have to file a pedestrian accident claim is typically dictated by the statute of limitations for personal injury claims. In Missouri, the standard statute of limitations for most personal injury claims is five years, and this time limit begins on the date the injury happened. However, different statutes apply for certain types of claims and under certain conditions. For example, the statute of limitations for a wrongful death claim is three years.

The Cagle Law Firm knows how damaging a pedestrian accident can be and the many legal challenges an injured victim is likely to face in the aftermath of such an incident. To ensure the greatest chance of success with your claim, it is necessary to start gathering evidence as soon as possible. If you are ready to explore your recovery options with the help of a seasoned Florissant pedestrian accident lawyer, contact us today to schedule a free consultation with our team.


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